Raising chickens in your garden comes with a myriad of benefits, from gardening help to fresh eggs. Renting our chicken tractor setup will give you your very own chicken lawnmower and some friendly, entertaining pets. When the girls are in their coop, they will keep your grass trimmed and the tractor just needs to be moved onto a fresh patch of grass each day. The girls can also free range under supervision in the right circumstances.
Incorporating animals into landscape management helps reduce the need for chemical fertilisers and pesticides, it reduces fossil fuel consumption and is a move towards a more sustainable, regenerative world, working in harmony with nature.
Chickens lay fresh eggs
Pasture raised, happy chickens produce delicious eggs and having them in your garden reduces your food miles too.
Chickens will fertilise your garden
Chicken manure contains the primary ingredients found in garden fertilisers. It can be composted and added to the soil of your garden.
Chickens make great pets
They are friendly and provide hours of entertainment.
Chickens will help in your garden
Chickens will scratch over garden beds and eat weeds and pests.
Chickens are great composters
Give your fruit and veggie scraps to the girls for even more nutrient dense eggs and a sustainable way of dealing with food waste.
Chickens are easy to look after
As long as they have food, water and somewhere to roost at night, they will be happy
Chicken trial
A great way to try your hand at chicken keeping. If you fall in love with your hens, we even offer the option to purchase at the end of your rental.
1 Coop
2 Hens
Organic Feed
£200 for 4 weeks
£25 per additional week
Contact us to find out more about renting a flock or to enquire about our bespoke flocks and coops for larger landscapes